like this happened in my neck of the woods recently. The newly married couple
was reinstated in like 6 months. You just gotta know how to play the system and
know the right elders.
My Name is of No Consequence
JoinedPosts by My Name is of No Consequence
Getting disfellowshipped to marry and return
by confused ini was just wondering if there is any official rules on dealing with this.
a sister in the congregation is planning to divorce her husband who is also a witness so she can marry a different brother in the same hall!
yes this is a huge scandal!
My Name is of No Consequence
J.W.'s - Your "faithful" slave reveals it is an EVIL & HYPOCRITICAL "slave!"
by The Fall Guy instudy watchtower october 2019, page 12, par.
17 - "a true christian must make sure that his secular employment has nothing to do with babylon the great.
for example, he would not be an employee of a church.
My Name is of No Consequence
Remember the old saying: “If it doesn’t make dollars, it doesn’t make sense (cents).” Even if it means getting just one extra dollar, the org will bend the rules every time and then try to justify it.
Losing a loyal friend of 14 years
by Still Totally ADD inthis last tuesday was one of the most stressful and sad days of our life when we had our lab morgan put to sleep.
she was so sick and out of it we just had to do it.
when i called the spca on monday to make a appointment to have her put to sleep i felt like i betrayed her.
My Name is of No Consequence
Losing a pet is tough. My mom’s Shih Tzu lived to be almost 18 years old. She lived a long and healthy life but it was still hard on everyone.
Why do CO's refuse to strip Elders of their position?
by Tenacious inin several congregations i attended many elders were downright evil and flat out drunk with power.. many times i personally knew of things done by them that would have been a disfellowshipping offense had they not been elders.
and even though many times these issues and spiritual atrocities were reported to the co's and hq they would many times (if not all the time), get off with a mere slap on the wrist or a forced apology.. why do you believe elders are so protected?.
my theory is the authority integrity within the congregation.
My Name is of No Consequence
Because most CO's don't have the balls to do anything.
Walter F. Salter
by OrionLoki inhello everyone, this is my first strictly historical theme:.
walter f. salter was the overseer of the branch office in canada in years 1918-1936. in 1936 he was dismissed from that function, and in 1937 he was disfellowshipped from the organization.. does anybody know his further history?
did he join any christian denomination?
My Name is of No Consequence
Walter Salter. Wow what a name!
30 years after leaving utterly unrecognisable
by Number 6 inthis is the first time i have posted on here in many years..... i seldom visit now although this forum was instrumental to me in gaining my sanity in the early 2000's and recovering from the watchtower religion.. by chance tonight i was on youtube and caught a video which out of curiosity prompted me to look at the official website and amongst other things i looked up the music section.. why that i hear you ask?
music is my passion and nothing reminds me more or evokes more memories than the kingdom songs i grew up listening to.. i am 49 years old and my mother was baptised in 1974. i grew up in the era of pink songbooks and green bibles.
of the theology of fred franz and types and anti-types.
My Name is of No Consequence
@ Number 6:
I have been pretty much out since 2015. The religion was becoming unrecognizable at that point. I’m in my 30’s and the old kingdom songs STILL bring up memories from my childhood. When I hear them, I think of the assemblies, older ones, field service, my family, etc. It’s hard to explain if these memories are good ones or bad, but they’re memories that that I will never forget and that stir up so much emotion within me.
Should Reparations Be Given To Relatives of Slaves?
by minimus insome people say that’s the least we should do while others say no way!
what do you think about dispensing reparations?
My Name is of No Consequence
I could use a little extra cash.
If You Could Tell A Prospective Jehovah’s Witness Something What Would It Be?
by minimus inany words of wisdom?
My Name is of No Consequence
"Way to go!!! Awesome!!!!!"
Quick Story
by APieceOfShitNamedTate inso one night i'm at a meeting.
it's the beginning of the meeting and a brother is up on stage introducing the parts for the night.
he's going through the parts and then he says, "...and apieceofshitnamedtate will be handling our bible highlights.".
My Name is of No Consequence
What if the brother actually said "APieceOfShitNamedTate will be handling our Bible Highlights."?
my story...
by Nikki collins inmany of you have asked about my story, so here it is.
it's a bit long lol.
however i still loved jeremy but because he wasn’t a witness i knew i could never be with him and have my family.
My Name is of No Consequence
@ Nikki:
That is a fascinating account of your life as a witness. Welcome to the forum!